Friday, November 20, 2009

#8 Rick Rubin

What do LL Cool J, The Beastie Boys, Run D.M.C., Red Hot Chili Peppers, Johnny Cash, Slayer, and Metallica have in common? They are all bands or performers who have worked with legendary producer Rick Rubin on one project or another.
Rick Rubin is one of the best producers on the planet. Why? The reason is because it seems that everyting he touches turns to gold. He is most excellent at his work. Whenever he produces an album, he seems be able to drive in a direction that brings to it both success and inventiveness. For example, he produced the monumental 1986 Slayer album, 'Reign in Blood'. While most people in mainstream may have never heard of it, it is very famous in the Heavy Metal scene. It is commonly cited as the inspiration for Death Metal (although I don't like Death Metal). Its a very raw sounding album, which is a reflection of Rick's production style.
In recent years, he has been known as a producer who can pull bands out of a creative rut. Example? Metallica. Many fans say that Metallica hasn't produced a good album since the Black Album. So for there newest album, 'Death Magnetic', they hired him. The end result was an album that both sold well and received positive feedback, especially from the fans.
The reason why I would want to meet Rick Rubin is because he has worked with so many famous artists. I'm sure has plenty of stories to tell about people like Johnny Cash or James Hetfield. Maybe we could jam? Or not.
If when I met him I only got to ask him one thing, it would be about that beard of his. He is like a mountain man. I would ask when it was the last time he shaved. He would probably say when Aerosmith teamed up with Run D.M.C.

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